• Help us to build a happiness world

  • Service to mankind is service to GOD


We believe "Service to mankind is service to GOD"

The Community Health Centres (CHCs) constitute the secondary level of health care, were designed to provide referral as well as specialist health care to the rural population. Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS) for CHCs have been prescribed under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) since early 2007 to provide optimal specialized care to the community and achieve and maintain an acceptable standard of quality of care. As setting standards is a dynamic process, the need was felt to update the IPHS keeping in view the changing protocols of existing National Health Programmes, development of new programmes especially for noncommunicable diseases and prevailing epidemiological situation in the country and different States/UTs of the country; accordingly the revision has been carried out. These standards would act as benchmarks and help monitor and improve the functioning of the CHCs.

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