Programme & Services
National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) was launched by the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh in New Delhi on 12th April 2005. In Orissa the National Rural Health Mission was launched by Chief Minister, Sri. Naveen Patnaik and Union Health Minister, Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss on 17th June 2005. NRHM seeks to provide effective healthcare to rural and urban population throughout the state with special focus on the backward districts with weak human development and health indicators especially among the poor and marginalized groups like women and the vulnerable sections of the society. NRHM seeks to integrate health with the determinants of health for which intersectoral convergence between departments like PRI, WCD, RWSS and Education is essential. The main components of NRHM are RCH-II, Immunisation, National Disease Control Programme and NRHM initiatives. The main activities under NRHM Initiatives are as follows:
- Reduction in child and maternal mortality.
- Universal access to public services for food and nutrition, sanitation and hygiene, and universal access to public health care services with emphasis on services addressing women’s and children’s health and universal immunisation.
- Prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, including locally endemic diseases.
- Access to integrated comprehensive primary health care.
- Population stabilisation, gender and demographic balance.
- Revitalisation of local health traditions and mainstream AYUSH.
- Promotion of healthy life styles.
- The goal of NRHM is to improve the availability of and access to quality health care by people, especially for those residing in rural areas, the poor women and children.
- Provide effective healthcare to rural population throughout the state.
- Increase public spending on health with increased arrangement for community financing and risk pooling.
- Undertake architectural correction of the health system to enable it to effectively handle increased allocations and promote policies that strengthen public health management and service delivery in the state.
- Revitalise local health traditions and mainstream AYUSH into the public health system.
- Effectively integrate of health concerns, through decentralised management at district level, with determinants of health like sanitation and hygiene, nutrition, safe drinking water, gender and social concerns.
- Address inter-state and inter-district disparities.
- Set time bound goals and report publicly of progress.
- Improve access of rural people, especially poor women and children to equitable, affordable, accountable and effective primary health care.
- Successful implementation of Janani Surakhya Yojana. Over 2.51 lakh beneficiaries have availed JSY benefits.
- Institutional Delivery increased by 25% in the State in the last one year.
- Accreditation of private /public sector institutions for disbursing JSY benefits
- Operationalising FRUs and making PHCs 24x7 currently being undertaken
- Multi-skilling of MBBS Doctors in O & G and Anesthesia is currently in progress.
- Institutional up gradation with NRHM funds.
- Providing additional Paramedics to different categories of health institutions.
- Skill Birth Attendance training has commenced.
- IMR in the State has decreased from 81in to 65.
- Training in Integrated management of new-born care and childhood illness already completed in two districts.
- “Pustikara Diwas” initiated in the State for treatment and referral of under 6 Malnourished Children.
- Full immunization in children has increased from 43.7% (NFHS- II) to 51.8%(NFHS –II)
- “Swasthya Melas” organized in remote tribal areas benefiting 18807 beneficiaries.
- 184 RCH camps organized in different Blocks catering services to 71544 beneficiaries under different services.
- Loss of wages benefits received by 96959 mothers